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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Vision=, for_children: n"
Moral Struggle and the Prophets Messages for living a moral life of prophetic urgency from one of the great Black theologians of the last century.
Mountains and Rivers Sutra An opportunity to enter Zen practice for one year.
The Great Democracy An idea-packed vision for what could follow the flaws of neoliberalism in the United States politics.
People Get Ready A call to politicians and citizens to address the loss of work and rising economic inequality.
Christ in the Margins Presents inspiring portraits of eccentric and brave souls who worked for peace, justice, and transformation in adverse circumstances.
Crashing the Party A compelling and illuminating account of his run for the Presidency in 2000 as the candidate for the progressive Green Party.
The Spiritual Emerson A substantive overview of the spiritual vision of this preacher, teacher, poet, and essayist.
The Spirit of Buddhism Lays out this Tibetan teacher's vision of the dharma for modern times.
A New Christianity for a New World A vision of a twenty-first century faith and an inclusive, open-minded church.
Webs of Power Her reports from the front lines of the global justice movement and her vision of a more just and sustainable world.